Are you wondering what the best online business is that you should get started with? You are on the right track if you think a site that is based on getting visitors to check out AdSense ads is a good idea. This is actually the best of the two worlds. All you need is a site and to develop a steady stream of visitors and then Google will provide the ads for them to see. Every time somebody clicks on an ad you will get some payment. This can range from a low of about ten cents all the way up to several dollars. That's not bad money.
Also there's no need for you to wonder what is the appropriate ads to have and which are the most effective ones. Google automatically picks the ads that are the best matches for your site. The spiders crawl your site and decide what the subject matter is, and then choose ads to show that will interest people who are coming to your pages. They even have an option where you can show ads based on your visitors prior web surfing history. These seem to convert very well.
In general, what you have to do is create a site based on a specific subject matter. For example, if you have an interest in German Shepard dogs, then you can write several interesting articles and helpful posts about them like how to train this breed of dogs, how to feed them properly and how to exercise them. The idea is to offer your readers the kind of information they are searching for. Then, apply SEO techniques so that your page will rank in the search engines in case somebody searches for a term that you have tackled. For example, if someone types "Training a German Shepard," your site will be listed at the top of the page that comes up in the search engines. People will then check out your link to know what's on your site. They will read what you have to say and then hopefully see an ad that interests them and click on it. When they do, you make a little bit of money.
So, in a nut shell, once the visitor gets to your site, he or she will see what you are writing about and, hopefully, find a Google ad that is interesting for them. Once they click on the particular ad, you will earn a small amount of money. The more visitors who come to your site, the more chances you have to earn money. This is the best online business today because, aside from building the site and establishing a steady flow of visitors, there is nothing much to do. You just have to wait for a check from Google each month.
This is a great way to start learning the intricacies of Internet marketing. It is not hard, but you do need to try different ideas out to see what works and what doesn't. That is really what is fun.